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Passover International

Passover International: A Quick Guide to Pesach Programs Worldwide

   With over 100 plus programs worldwide there are many programs to choose from that it may be overwhelming. In 
today's day and age, we are spoiled with all the luxurious hotels and the amenities they have to offer. From the comfortable Egyptian cotton bed sheets to the 5 star concierge service, which is available 24 hours a day, some of us just want more than the previous year. Well, you are in luck, when you could travel abroad and experience new cultures; the excitement and possibilities are endless.
     Once you feel that you have seen all of United States, or just fed up with this country, there other places to go. For one, there is nothing like going to Israel anytime but double your trip to the holy land with Passover, and boy what a site it is. There is nothing like spending your "Freedom" on the beaches of the Dead Sea. So pack your bags and book your flight early, because these airfare's can be pretty hefty.
    But even most of the Israel programs can run you $3000 plus just for one person, and that does not include airfare! Which is why many opt for a Passover in Europe. Many, if not most of them, charge an average of 1700 Euros (about 1,920 USD). This is much less than the average program in the USA, about $2700. Also, flights to many places in Europe, especially the more populated areas like France and Italy, can run you just $1300; and that's for a non-stop flight too. Another great reason to enjoy Passover in Europe is that the hotels are 4 or 5 stars, which gives you and the kids lots of room and more things to do, so its a pretty good deal.
    You can even enjoy Pesach in one of two amazing programs in Africa. Make a beautiful chol-hamoed trip to the safari or catch a good English tea in the historic southern Africa. But whatever you do don't stay out too late as Africa's wild animals can attack in the dark of the night.
     Finally, hop down to Mexico and enjoy Pesach in one of six amazing hotels. The breathtaking scenery or comfortable weather will give you a holiday never to forget.
     Well. whichever program you do choose  you will want a vacation to remember. Before you book check to see if the program you are interested offers what you many need or just what you are looking for. Read reviews and help others by writing your own reviews. You never know what others are looking for so even just one simple sentence can go a long way. So be ready in advance and look up all information necessary for your flight and hotel. There may be many security checks and customs to go through, so be ready. 

Chag Kosher V'Sameach!

Airfare prices are from New York City and was looked up on 1/26/15. Prices also based on estimate. This article is just presented for ideas. The author does not take responsible for misguided information. 

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